WV State Money for Golf Tournaments


Date: May 23, 2016

The recent announcement by Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jim Justice that he would not accept $1.75M in West Virginia State money to support his golf tournament at the Greenbrier Resort is exemplary. However, this clearly political decision made only because he is a candidate for Governor of our State is insulting to the people. In fact, he should be returning all of the money he has taken from the citizens of WV over the past years for his golf tournaments. (WSAZ-3, 5/18/16)
This is a prime example of how the funds of our State are misused by the Democrat and Republican parties. We are suffering from a $400M budget deficit because of thousands of inappropriate expenditures for unnecessary activities like golf tournaments. Now, I love golf as much as the next guy, but not at the expense of the hard-working citizens of West Virginia.
As your Governor it will be my first priority to search out all of these upper-class entitlements and abolish all wasteful funding. Every taxpayer dollar in this State must be spent in support of the revitalization of West Virginia, our industries, our children's education, and the health and well-being of the people. I will immediately convene a commission of real citizens to make judgements on wasteful expenditures in our State and take action to eliminate them.
We in West Virginia are going broke. If any of us were personally faced with the problem of spending more money that we have, like the State is now, we would immediately start to cut out the things that we did not need in our lives in order to make ends meet. We would not pretend that the problem would go away by taxing our kid's allowances or their lawn-mowing earnings.
It is time to get this State under control. The Democrat and the Republican administrations are not going to do that. Your only hope for salvation lies in changing the structure of thought in our State … cut the budget and stop raising taxes. This is the goal of the Libertarian Party and my personal goal as your future Governor.
David Moran, Your candidate for Governor of WV
